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A hypergraph is an extension of a graph in which one edge can connect any number of vertices. In contrary, an edge connects exactly two vertices in a graph.In this paper we introduce hub-hyperpath, hubset and hubnumber of a hypergraph. Also we defined the hubnumber of a different types of hypergraphs and analyze some of its properties. Then the hub number of a hypergraph is compared with its dual hypergraph. Hubset can be useful for various tasks, such as targeted marketing and social networks. Additionally, finding the hub number of a graph is useful in network security, as it helps in identifying nodes that, if compromised, could have a significant impact on the overall network.


hypergraph hub-hyperpath hubset hubnumber

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How to Cite
Chandrasekar, N., & Myithili, K. K. (2024). Hub Parameters of Hypergraph. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, 30(1), 100–109.


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