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In this paper, we define the mapping called (ψ, ϕ, ω)-weak contractions. We then use this definition to proof the existence of fixed point. The mapping we defined above is a modified mapping by Liu and Chai. We use the concept ω-distance to proof the fixed point theorem. Since every ω-distance is metric, then the resulting theorem also satisfy for every metric.


fixed point (ψ, ϕ, ω)-weak contractions ω-distance

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How to Cite
Pasangka, I. G., Kleden, M. A., Putra, G. L., & Purnami, N. A. (2024). FIXED POINT THEOREMS FOR (ψ, ϕ, ω)-WEAK CONTRACTIONS IN COMPLETE METRIC SPACES. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, 30(3). Retrieved from


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